
Kanani News!!!
       Aloha! Kanani is safe at home with me...... RIGHT NOW! Her friends, or should I say, SISTERS, Rebecca and Felicity are having the most funnest times hanging out with Kanani! They even are riding on a ..... HOME MADE SCOOTER THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!! "Now that I have these kind and generous pals with me, I will always have a sunshine day!" Kanani said January 21st. Its seems EVERYDAY to her, is a happy sunshine day! :) 

     Home Made Scooter!
             Someone named coollkitty530 made an awesome doll sized scooter! Her dolls, Rebecca, Felicity and kanani are having the most funnest times on the amazing home made scooter! I , AM COOLKITTY530 WRITING THIS NEWS LETTER RIGHT NOW!!! Let me describe how it looks......... The card board part where the doll stands on is decorated with,PEACE, LOVE, HAPPINESS, and has the word, RAZER  on it( because it is a razer scooter) The stick part in the front that holds the handle is full of smiley faces. The handle part is gold and glittery and has light green and brown/ blue streamers coming out of the sides. On the middle of the stick part, there is a reflector made out of tin foil on it. the wheels has peace signs on it and is also very glittery. THAT'S WHAT IT   LOOKS LIKE! Enjoy YOUR awesome scooter if you made one by looking at the tutorial in Home. ( by the way, Wittykitty999 helped with my scooter, she is my friend on you tube, check her blog out! she followed me...... go to Thank you!