Friday, March 11, 2011

How to make a scooter for ur ag dolls


Stuff needed: hot glue, pencil,card board, bottle caps

Instructions :    Cut out some card board in an oval shape. Turn it on the back side ( the side that you want your wheels on) and hot glue on 2 or 3 bottle caps ( big or medium sized bottle caps) Turn the card board over when the wheels are done drying. At the front of the card board, ( at the tip of the oval), hot glue on a long pencil ( that hasn't been used yet, or sharpened). Make sure it is straight, and not angled or anything. When that's dry, hot glue on a really short pencil on top of the long pencil. Then you can decorate it, maybe draw on the card board, streamers,  reflectors (made out of tinfoil), glitter, little baskets, etc! Then ur doll can test it out, and have fun riding it!!!! ( make sure the card board is strong enough for your doll to stand on) Enjoy ur AWESOME scooter! ( if you need any help with this, just leave a comment on this post! Because, sometimes it can be very tricky! :) <3 )


  1. whoops, sorry i made the words to small! ill fix that........

  2. Thats awesome im gonna make that tomorrow,
