Friday, March 11, 2011

HI! I got kanani! OMG!!!!! (random post)

HI! I got Kanani!OMG! ( surprisingly i got her a few few months ago...... he he, this is a very random post!) Well, right now she is doing very well!! She has her own room in my ag doll house, and she even has a home made scooter that she shares with Rebecca and Felicity! ( i will make a post showing you how to make a mini scooter) I am having so much fun with her! IF YOU EVER WANT A NEW DOLL, AND YOU DON'T KNOW WHICH TO CHOOSE FROM, PIC KANANI!!!! (  take a lot of care for her hair, it gets REALLY messy!)Well, if you ever do get kanani, enjoy! Also read the book, i think its really sweet!

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