Sunday, February 27, 2011

How to make a doll computer and key pad! (see print outs)

     items needed: tape or glue, card board, print outs (below this post), and sissors
 Instructions: Print out the computer screen /key pad and cut it out along with the card board. Tape or glue the print outs on the two pieces of card board and set the computer in your dolls room and pretend to turn it on! Then, your dolls have a fun, computer to play on it all they want!!!

computer and keypad! (see tuorial)


How to make a doll sized dish washer! :)

   items needed : a box, girl scout cookie tray, doll sized dishes, tape

instructions : Empty out the box if there is any thing in it. Of course, eat all the cookies in the girl scout tray! :) Tape the empty tray into the box and add a cover made of clear plastic. You can draw or add little stuff to the top to make it look like it has lots of buttons and all. Last, you can add mini dishes! There you go, a piece of cake! :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Doll sized bath tub!!

items needed: doll sized plastic tub,packing peanuts,plastic wrap,tape, flower peddles, scissors.
instructions:     Take the plastic wrap and put it on top of the tub, taping it on the sides. Make sure your doll can fit in the tub. Cut a hole at the top of the plastic wrap, big enough for your dolls to fit in. Slide your doll inside the hole until she is laying(sitting) in the tub. Tuck the packing peanuts in the hole for the bubbles. Sprinkle the tiny flower peddles on the plastic wrap, so it looks like they are floating in the water. Then, turn off the lights and to decorate, put little candles around the bathtub and..... voila! You have a peaceful, super relaxing bathtub for your ag dolls!!

Welcome to my blog!!!!!

Thankyou for viewing my crafty, creative blog! In my blog , you will see many creative ways to make stuff for your american girl doll!!!(if you have an american girl doll of course) I really hope you like all the ideas i have for making stuff for your dolls and all the mini stuff i can think of! Enjoy! Be creative!:)